Screen Gems, Screen Gems Storylines: The Monkees, 1966, 1967, 1968. Baker, Glenn A., and others, Monkeemania: The True Story Of The Monkees, New York, St. Martin's Press, 1986. Bloom, Ken, Hollywood Song: The Complete Film Musical Companion Vol. 1: Films A-L, Facts On File, Inc., 1995, p. 380. Brooks, Tim, and Marsh, Earle, The Complete Directory To Primetime Network And Cable TV Shows: 1946-Present, Sixth Edition, New York, Ballantine's Books, 1995, p.p. 1187-8. Davi3d, "Re: Fern & Davy's Song In 'Too Many Girls'",, (July 1, 2002). Dolenz, Micky, and Bego, Mark, I'm A Believer: My Life of Monkees, Music, and Madness, New York, Hyperion, 1993. Finn, Ed, and Bone, T., The Monkees Scrapbook, San Francisco, The Last Gasp of San Francisco, 1986. Hill, Tom, TVLand To Go: The Big Book Of TV Lists, TV Lore, And TV Bests, New York, Fireside, 2001, p.p. 192-3. The American Film Institute, Krafsur, Richard P., executive editor, The American Film Institute of Motion Pictures: Feature Films, 1961-1970, New York & London, R.R. Bowker Company, 1976, p. 461. Lawler, David, Misadventures in Blissville: Monkees Vs. Macheen, Lefcowitz, Eric, The Monkees Tale, San Francisco, The Last Gasp of San Francisco, 1985. Lefcowitz, Eric, The Monkees Tale, Revised Edition, San Francisco, The Last Gasp of San Francisco, 1989. Library of Congress, Television Programs in the Library of Congress: Programs Available for Research as of December 1978, Washington, D.C., The Library of Congress, 1984. Lynch, Michael, "Goin' Down: The Monkees 1968-1970 (The Post-Tube Years)", Goldmine, vol. 22 no. 21, ish 423 (October 11, 1996), p.p. 42-48. McManus, Maggie, (ed.), "News & Bits," Monkee Business Fanzine no. 74 (September 1995), p. 3. McManus, Maggie, (ed.), "Rhino," Monkee Business Fanzine no. 75 (December 1995), p. 5. McManus, Maggie, (ed.), "Monkees Shopping", Monkee Business Fanzine, no. 79 (December 1996), p. 33. McManus, Maggie, (ed.), "ABC Special", Monkee Business Fanzine, no. 80 (March 1997), p.p. 5-7. McManus, Maggie, (ed.), "Bits", Monkee Business Fanzine, no. 80 (March 1997), p. 16. McManus, Maggie, (ed.), "Episode 781: 'Hey, Hey, It's The Monkees'," Monkee Business Fanzine, no. 80 (March 1997), p.p. 24-26. McManus, Maggie, (ed.), "Elsewhere On TV", Monkee Business Fanzine, no. 81 (June 1997), p.p. 9-10. McManus, Maggie, (ed.), "P.O. Box 9847", Monkee Business Fanzine, no. 84 (March 1998), p. 33. McManus, Maggie, (ed.), "Bits", Monkee Business Fanzine, no. 86 (September 1998), p. 24-5. McManus, Maggie, (ed.), "Bits", Monkee Business Fanzine, no. 88 (March 1998), p. 18. McManus, Maggie, (ed.), "Bits", Monkee Business Fanzine, no. 92 (March 2000), p. 18.
Pearlman, Louie, (Not Quite!) Every
Monkees Episode | Rebeat Magazine, Perry, Jeb H., Screen Gems: A History of Columbia Pictures Television from Cohn to Coke, 1948-1983, Portland, Scarecrow Press, Inc., 1991, p.p. 136-38, 306-7. Reilly, Edward, and others, The Monkees: A Manufactured Image, Ann Arbor, The Pierian Press Inc., 1987, p.p. 131-59. Rothbart, Lewis, "Top Secret: Sneak Prevue of The Monkees’ Ten Best TV Romps for the Coming Season!", Hullabaloo, vol. 2, ish 5 (September, 1967), p.p. 20–25. Sandoval, Andrew P., Listen To The Band (The Monkees) booklet, Santa Monica, Rhino Records Inc., 1991. Sandoval, Andrew, The Monkees Video Box Set (The Monkees) booklet, Los Angeles, Rhino Records Inc., 1995. Wallace, Mary L., "Re: Fern & Davy's Song In 'Too Many Girls'", (July 1, 2002). Sandoval, Andrew, The Monkees: The Day-By-Day Story Of The 60s TV Pop Sensation, San Diego, Thunder Bay Press, 2005. Sandoval, Andrew, The Monkees: The Day-By-Day Story, Los Angeles, Beatland Books, 2021. Tripod, for giving me free space to produce my site and featuring it as a Super Member Site!
But most of all, thank you Louis Colli, without whose Monkees Music Vault
And a very heartfelt thanks to the very 4 individuals who helped make it all happen: DAVID
and also the dynamic duo who created the very thing: ROBERT JAY RAFELSON