“The Spy Who Came In From The Cool”, Episode No. 5 of The Monkees (prod. #4702, aired on NBC October 10, 1966 and June 19, 1967), was repeated @ noon EDT on CBS, with a new song added: "All Alone In The Dark," written by Steven Soles and Ned W. Albright.
This third and final reairing took place 6 years to the day it compleeted production. Also on this date, another popular Screen Gems sitcom, Bewitched, formally ended its original network run on ABC-TV after 8 seasons, with a repeat of the December 29, 1971 episode "Adam, Washout Or Warlock," which featured Monkee guest Diana Chesney (“The Chaperone”).
Posted by monkeesfilmtv
at 6:37 AM EDT