"The Monkees Watch Their Feet" (a.k.a. "Micky And The Outer Space Creatures"), Episode No. 49 of The Monkees (prod. #4743, aired on NBC January 15 and September 9, 1968), was repeated at 7:30p.m. (EDT) on NBC.
This repeat marked the farewell appearance of The Monkees television series on NBC in prime time (not, as commonly believed, the August 19, 1968 repeat of Episode No. 56, "Some Like It Lukewarm" [a.k.a. "The Band Contest"]). It was replaced a week later in its 7:30 Monday stead by I Dream Of Jeannie, which, ironically, followed The Monkees in its first season. (Interestingly, other NBC affiliates listed Episode No. 34, "The Picture Frame" [a.k.a. "The Bank Robbery"], airing on that Labor Day; they either opted to run that or bump The Monkees' primetime finale altogether in favor of a 30-minute pre-paid commercial for [unsuccessful] Democratic Presidential nominee Hubert Humphrey.)
Posted by monkeesfilmtv
at 12:01 AM EDT