Merry Xmas, Monkeemavens! Hope yours was grand.
And as such The Monkees Film & TV Vault's Christmas page has been replaced by the New Year's page to ride out the final six days of The Year 2024 A.D.—including a row of syndicated TV trade ads involving The Monkees television series to foreshadow its 50th anniversary in syndication next year!
And you may have noticed for over the past week that there are now five Monkees film and television intertitles under the site masthead instead of the usual six! I cleverly used a picture collage app to merge the logos for both seasons of The Monkees in a triangular split, to use as a simple vessel to and a part of The Monkees television series link on this site, the very one you see here:

The regular body background with all six Monkees film and TV title cards remains, however.