The Final MF&TVV Updates For The Year 2022 A.D.
And so, with another Christmas in the sack (so to speak!), this final Monkee Monday of The Year 2022 Anno Domini sees The Monkees Film & TV Vault's Xmas page being swapped out for the New Year's page, with an indication of the forthcoming year's fifty-fifth anniversary of the limited release of The Monkees' lone cinematic romp: the 1968 Columbia Pictures tour de force, HEAD. The Featured Monkees Episode, out-of-season or not, remains No. 47, "The Monkees Christmas Show" (a.k.a. "The Christmas Story") (prod. #4746, aired on NBC December 25, 1967), throughout the week, as 2022 enters the home stretch.
Thanks for helping to make The Monkees Film & TV Vault's 25th Anniversary a swell one this year; already making plans for the site's Pearl Jubilee (30th Anniversary!) in 2027! At any rate, wishing you, as always, a healthy...
Posted by monkeesfilmtv
at 6:24 AM EST
Updated: Monday, 26 December 2022 6:26 AM EST