Today's MF&TVV Updates
The Featured Monkees Episode Of The Week is No. 4, “Your Friendly Neighborhood Kidnappers” (prod. #4703, aired on NBC October 3, 1966 and May 15, 1967).
And if you've been checking the site out for a day and a half, you will notice that in the main episode, movie, TV and front pages, the once-omnipresent fonts Tahoma and Verdana have been compleetly eliminated (save for The MF&TVV Blog) to put further emphasis on the Monkees film and TV "onscreen credit" font, Franklin Gothic (Condensed, Medium and Book). Also, in all the TV episode, movie and TV special pages, all the Notes sections (Production, Trivia and Guest Cast) and related (Inconsitencies, Bloopers, etc.), the Font Size has been kicked up a point (10pt to 11pt) to make them all more readable. The reason: as we near the finish line of The Monkees' Emerald Anniversary year, 2021, the following year, 2022, is primed for the observance of another major milestone: a year in which we celebrate---Great Gosh A'Mighty, has it been that long?!---25 years since I first took keyboard in hand and gave life to that comprehensive guide to The Monkees' filmed work, on TV and the big screen we commonly know and love as The Monkees Film & TV Vault! Here is a sneak peek of its Silver Anniversary masthead:
Posted by monkeesfilmtv
at 2:49 PM EST