Today's MF&TVV Updates
Revamped the episode pages of the 40 Monkees episodes which saw home video release in Japan by VAP Video in 1992 on 10 4-episode VHS tapes and a 40-episode Special TV Collection laserdisc compilation. Also, in MONKEE VIDEOS, info on 2 video releases which involved The Monkees' live concert performances (Concert-Dome Press' June 1988 Live In Austrailia and King Biscuit Entertainment's November 12, 2002 The Monkees - Live Summer Tour) have been removed, as a decision has been made to exclusively limit it to The Monkees' film & TV home video releases (it's not called The Monkees Film & TV Vault for nothing!), and corrected a few VHS serial number snafus in the VAP Video Special TV Collection listing.
Posted by monkeesfilmtv
at 12:12 PM EST